homo - Benutzeralbum

Persönliche Alben von homo

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my broken session 9.9
flight from kora to good old Germany

Neueste Kommentare von homo

"hey heres the guy from seoul .... ah- you need one setstay more ???" love the guys from trek :)
jep. two times broken on the left side and one at re right- all the time trek replaces the seatstays :)
thx. i also try to speak a bit in german. :)
there its just to thin i think so
love the frame but hate the rear swing arm
the carbon rear swing arm will be avalible at 2013.07
nice building - (pls ^^ change the front wheel ^^)
@teatimetom - i do not undestand . why sollte sie brechen ??? one of the best chainguards ive ever riden

Fotos von homo die zuletzt kommentiert wurden

ach wie schön ein gerissenes Carbonbike zu sehen :D
:lol: :daumen:
"hey heres the guy from seoul .... ah- you need one setstay more ???" love the guys from trek :)
jep. two times broken on the left side and one at re right- all the time trek replaces the seatstays :)
thx. i also try to speak a bit in german. :)
people* (klugscheiß)

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