Mosquito Velomobile, Mosquito #8. Bamboo Fairing... side view...
Mosquito Velomobile, Mosquito #8. Bamboo Fairing... reshaping...
Mosquito Velomobile, Mosquito #8. Bamboo Fairing... adjusting fairing pattern to changed fairing.
Mosquito Velomobile, Mosquito #8. Bamboo Fairing... Fairing pattern xeroxed onto plastic sheets.
Mosquito Velomobile, Mosquito #8. Bamboo Fairing... top front view.
Mosquito Velomobile, Mosquito #8. Bamboo Fairing... side view...
Mosquito Velomobile, Mosquito #8. Bamboo Fairing... much better view to the front...
Mosquito Velomobile, Mosquito #8. Bamboo Fairing... testfit.
Mosquito Velomobile, Mosquito #8. Bamboo Fairing... setting final fairing height.
Mosquito Velomobile, Mosquito #8. Bamboo Fairing... checking the fitment for the front fender/display...
Mosquito Velomobile, Mosquito #8. Bamboo Fairing... Some help from CAD (Cardboard Aided Design) for the front fender/display...

Mosquito Velomobile, Mosquito #8. Bamboo Fairing... side view... im Album Mosquito Velomobile with Pinion S#8 (Phase Two: The Bamboo Fairing)

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22.03.2022, 13:27
13.10.2020, 00:01
Mosquito Velomobile with Pinion S#8 (Phase Two: The Bamboo Fairing)
Apple iPhone 6
1/25 s ƒ/2.2 4.2 mm ISO 250

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