huibvanklinken - Benutzeralbum

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A great thank you to hoedsch. Second time now I change the bearings and still using this super info. My Factory 600 from 2005 is again a new one!
Hello colinczech,
Without the Doppelnippel your bearing on that side will not come out! These bearings have a width of 5mm, so screw it out 6 mm and change sides with the Doppelnippel.
Instead of a Doppelnippel you can use the spacer 1 1/8" of your stearing; this fits even better on the bearing house. Keep everything well centred and straight.
Hello Chrif,
Wet the whole thing on both sides with WD40, must be dripping. Wait 5 minutes. Take a "Gewindestang" M8x120mm, screw it in the hole where you have taken out the littel Imbusschraube. Take care it went in whole the way, by hand. Take a metal hammer and give one firm and straight shot, spot on the threaded rod. It will come out.
When it is half out, use some WD40 and give it a second tick.

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