maxminze - Benutzeralbum

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Julia langweilt sich wohl...... :-) erst mal ne sms schreiben :-)
hier meine anfrage an zumbi, was haltet ihr von dem preis ?
F-44 cost 1880 EUR without shock. We sell our frames with fox shocks, Avalanche shocks or Elka shocks. All these shocks are specially set up to our frames and weight of rider. Currently we don't have a fox shocks but we can offer Avalanache or Elka.
Price of F-44 with Elka is 2300 EUR, with Avalanche montie is 2380 EUR, with Avalanche Woodie is 2450 EUR.
You can choice color of frame which you want from ral palette. Warranty is two years and include racing.
As we don't have a distributor in Germany we can give you 10% discount for frame or for frame with shock, our st headset for free (or titatnium headset for 150 EUR) and shipping for free. We need about 4 weeks to make a frame.
If you decide to buy it, I will send you proforma invoice where you can find deatils abut our company and account number. If you want still buy it just write me what sieze and color you want, and optional model of shock and your weight (to set up the shock).

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