311578809 10159917275707347 6066858973072492078 n
bondo mod suntour shifter cockpit & prototype wtb bars
311592697 10159917275777347 3631381366821125852 n
311585904 10159917275742347 6113475152354592320 n
313196428 10159917275727347 7799119291749445154 n
311578809 10159917275707347 6066858973072492078 n
Enduro Race 1977 Wende C
repack group with klunkers and drumbrakes
Gordon Burns on his Richman riding the wall of a skatepark in Santa Rosa 1979
Rohnert Skate Park. Gordon shredding it with Dean Peterson, Bill Shum, Tom Hillard
BG Ti - pre WW-Willits

311578809 10159917275707347 6066858973072492078 n im Album #b) B1 American ELF - Early Cunningham Homage (Race ATB & DH Klunking wide bar recap) 🔧🔗

One of the very nicely painted POtts Dropbar MTBs,
SP adopted the Cunningham Brakes (also their placement), fork design and the then new LD(long distance ) stem.

WTB back then also designed tires and this Co branded Drop-Handlebars for Specialized

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26.10.2022, 13:49
#b) B1 American ELF - Early Cunningham Homage (Race ATB & DH Klunking wide bar recap) 🔧🔗

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