24131804 1671003989653112 7203841594257629553 o x
Specialized Rm-3 & Info below
217674084 10103103739832490 8679233968942782768 n
90526896 3061172763926854 1808186432821395456 n
The Ibis bars thickwall vintage RM-3 (nitto made & S branded)
24131804 1671003989653112 7203841594257629553 o x
#7 Cunningham gooseneck primered for fresh Imron #5563
steve cook 83
many details on a cunningham swanneck
#6c 1"
tight bend vs strong rise

24131804 1671003989653112 7203841594257629553 o x im Album # classic Off/Road DROPS (American Aerodynamic Aluminium & Steel - A research!) 📷 👓

four pages back there are more pics of lD stems (also manufacturing process...)

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27.08.2022, 13:50
# classic Off/Road DROPS (American Aerodynamic Aluminium & Steel - A research!) 📷 👓

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