1" ld wtb or sophisticated custom..
240442225 10221406737132897 7816634248393353197 n
306124015 792522452067769 2552476517700117337 n
ibis double, as know these never were further oversized tubing
ibis most always partly tig
1" ld wtb or sophisticated custom..
potts, rare with nitto quill
Potts gooseneck
potts 80s halfwaybend
img-2069 orig
img-2086 orig

1" ld wtb or sophisticated custom.. im Album # classic Off/Road DROPS (American Aerodynamic Aluminium & Steel - A research!) 📷 👓

despite the interesting facts of beeing 1" and extra tall plus having the CC-typical cable hanger integration... its the drilled hole which is kinda unusual for the time and era! you could suggest someone wanted to have the ability the check on the quill adapter inside forkshaft and reaching to it at any time safety given

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14.02.2022, 04:20
# classic Off/Road DROPS (American Aerodynamic Aluminium & Steel - A research!) 📷 👓

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